Some feature requests for Guidebooks
Support more custom fonts/ Google fonts and font size management (global settings)
The sort/ filter feature in "Categories" and "Recommendations" should be improved to avoid showing items in a lengthy list with duplicate tag, which is hard for users to see and manage. Users should be able to sort categories/cards by guidebook, by category type (House manual category/ Recommendation category) or by specific category (Places to eat/ Attraction/ Shopping, etc.).
Set background color or upload background image for cards
Adjust how much width the map takes up on the live guidebooks in case there are many categories. The scroll bar works fine but guests might want to see all the categories without having to scroll.
The left-side bar should be organized following hierarchy level. More important settings should appear first. Also, check-in, wifi, directions, parking cards should be nested inside Arrival category.
Some UI feedback for the Guidebook Editor.