Create Short Description Field in Hostfully Management Platform Property Main Page
When looking on the app calendar view, each property name is too long to be viewed. We have multiple properties at the same resort so the photos and property titles are very similar. We would like to have a short name for each. For example, for our Sullivan Stone 11 property, we would like to have it shown as SS11. If we change the internal name on our computer Hostfully listing, the short name is also being pulled into triggers and templates so the guest receives the "short" name in their template messages which could be confusing to them. Is it possible to have an External Name (that feeds templated, etc.) and a new box for the Internal Name that feeds the name to the App?
The "property name hint" in the calendar now spans over 2 lines, showing double the count of characters it was showing before.
AdminAlice (Sr Product Mgr, Hostfully) commented
Hi Tony and Tracy, thanks for your valuable feedback.
I agree that we do not display enough characters of the property in the calendar's "property name hint". We will update this, thanks for the recommendation.This being said, as you mentioned it, you can play with the Internal property name versus the public property name.
In the templates & triggers, you can use one or the other with the variables, see attached screenshot.
Let me know if you have any other question.