Enable inbox filtering for messages from guests that haven't been replied to yet
The most useful inbox filter would be conversations where guests have sent messages to us, but we haven't replied yet. Sometimes these get buried, and it requires going through every single thread to look it over. Ideally this would be set up so that automated messages from triggers/templates did not count as replies from us.
Or possible this could be set up through a totally different field. For example, each message thread could have a status box next to it. Whenever a guest sent a message, it could update that status box to say "Needs attention" in yellow. Then if we sent a manual reply (excluding triggered templates), it would automatically change to "Up to date" in green. Ideally there would be an easy manual override, where if we looked at a "needs attention" message and decided it didn't need a response, we could check it off as "up to date".