New Variable Request - [$ORDER_TOTAL_WITHOUT_TAX$]
AirBnB Host payout amounts do not include tax (Tax is handled by the platform before payout). But the Hostfully variables, for example [$ORDERTOTALWITHOUT_SD$] do include the taxes.
I would like to see a new variable [$ORDERTOTALWITHOUTTAXES$]. When I get a new AirBnB booking, the owner receives an email from my Hostfully templates with the booking amount set as [$ORDERTOTALWITHOUTSD$]. This includes taxes and misleads the owner to believe that they are making more money than they are.
Currently there is no way to accurately reflect the AirBnB host payout amount in the templates. I would like to see a new variable to match it please!
Thank you!

AdminTed Nguyen (Admin, Hostfully) commented
Thanks for your idea, Steve! We will consider adding this variable next time we work on it.