Split fees and taxes in transaction reports
When it comes to split payments, in transaction report, I would like to see the fees and taxes split. Currently, it's showing the fees and taxes for the entire stay, not just for each transaction.
Jodi Sakalas commented
To clarify: after a transaction is made, if the purchaser already has a transaction, it gets added to the first transaction and there is no way to even know what the charges were for.... no proper accounting can be made on the 2nd transaction.
Jodi Sakalas commented
This is very important for accountants to see the amount that went into each transaction. Without it is would be very hard to do accurate book keeping espcially when matching them to received stripe deposits. Basically right now, if you add on a service to an already paid guest, the report shows tax, fees, etc only with everything paid. When you have two payments a month apart for the same guest for example, or even a day if at the end of the month, the report wont be accurate.