Accurate booking value in owner portal calendar
In the portal, when you click on a reservation in the calendar, it does not show the full price paid to the property manager after commission charged by or the other OTA's.
Then in the owner portal calendar it shows the price of the reservation excluding the cleaning fee and commission from OTA's which makes the amount incorrect and not useful. In the owner portal is just shows the amount in the property managers calendar minus the property's managers commission however this is not accurate due to the commission charged by the platforms.
The calendar in the property managers portal should be the full amount including cleaning fees charged to the guests minus any commission charged by the OTA's which would be the full amount paid to the property manager.
Then in the Owners portal that amount minus the managers commission should be taken off so everyone can see exactly what they will be receiving accurately.
Hope that makes sense!
Cate Kriner commented
Owners should be able to see reservations in the same breakdown that we can see them in our database!
Kerry Singh commented
What if you created another category of "Team Member" that was view only of the property and full calendar and full booking details that we could have an owner registered to see?
They could also have access to the analytics page with just their assigned properties. This would need to be customizable as all hosts allow very different levels of access - but I feel that this may be even better than re-creating a whole separate owner portal. -
Eli Vered commented
yes totally, I hope they fix it asap because I cannot show the owners the price as the price is not correct and make the agency lose money
I have this problem with airbnb bookings,
hostfully currently calculating agency commission like this: rent * % commission
but it is wrong.
it should be (rent - airbnb fee)*%commision {or (total-cleaning fee)*%commission } -
Bart Kozdras commented
The portal is not fit for purpose at the moment and only confuses the owner.
Keith commented
Thinking more about this, I think the ideal solution is forthe PM to be able to configure the price shown to the owner.
In our case, they get [rent - (platform fee + channel price adjustment)]
if we can have 2 columns (include/exclude) with all the compnents that might go into price, then PM's could just check the components they want to include or exclude from the computation.
ideally this would be done at the account level with an override by owner and/or by property.
This would make this the most configurable and flexible.
first_name_unknown last_name_unknown commented
The best option would be to display the full amount the guest is paying (including taxes, cleaning fees, and booking service fees) in Hostfully's calendar. The owner sees exactly the amount he is looking for as a guest on booking websites, and the display of amounts with deductions is not very transparent. Deductions are made at a later stage as part of the settlement. For example, we first deduct VAT in accordance with local regulations, so showing the amount after deductions in the calendar means that nothing matches and the calendar is completely different from our settlements.
Keith commented
we use the channel price adjustment feature to account for the platform fees.
it should be possible for hostfully to reduce the rent by this amount (if set to do so by the manager)We don't make the booking value visible to owners for this reason, and send them a monthly statement, but they really would like to know as reservations come in how much money they're making.