Add more options for the maximum stay option
The maximum stay on the property tab does not allow you to chose more than 59 days unless you choose unlimited. Please add 90 or 120 day etc options.

Katrina Pape commented
This should be a Critical update as this is a Legal Risk Mitigation for stays that are longer than 28 days. Many hosts need to limit those stays to more than merely 59 nights (who came up with that number???) but much less than unlimited.
The above suggestion is great.
I would add a 360 night option as well...or just let the host enter their own maximum stay limit.
It's not a matter of adjusting far out pricing. We don't want to lose the longer stay...we simply need to limit the number of nights they can instant book.
Thank you for the idea. We will review this further when working on the improving the property settings page within the product. We do not have an ETA at this time as we are prioritizing other new features. In this is important to you in the short term, we recommend considering an integration with a dynamic pricing provider to increase the pricing functionality available to you.
When there is more information to share, we will update this thread. Please keep the votes coming if this is important to you!
(Edited by admin)