Tax Collected should stay separate in its own column and not added to Agent Due nor Owner Due. It skews Payout to Owner and 1099 for Agent.
Tax is lumped onto either Agent Due or Owner Due. I have to create an Owner Adjustment each month to deduct from owner payout.
If added to Agent Due, then it skews Agent Total and Owners do not understand Agent % and have questions, as well as inaccurate 1099NEC totals at end of the year. Let's leave out Tax Collected from either column or give us the choice to not add it to either.
Need more flexibility with Monthly Statements. Enhanced Reports did not address flexibility to Monthly Statements. Thanks!
AdminTed Nguyen (Admin, Hostfully) commented
Hello there! Thank you so much for your feedback.
With the Enhanced Reporting, you can customize the formulas of both Agent Due & Owner Due columns - meaning that you can remove Tax Collected from them. Could you give it a try?