258 results found
Repeat guest trigger condition
When a PM rebooks a guest, they want to be able to add a condition that if they are a repeat guest, the guest doesn't get the generic 'looking forward to meeting you' welcome email, but instead a different, more personal email which says something like 'looking forward to seeing you again'. So add a condition if the guest is a repeat guest.
18 votes -
We need to organize our Templates and Triggers into a logically ordered list
As we add new Custom Templates and Triggers, they simply are added at the bottom of the list. We would like to be able to move those into a logical order to make it easier to see we haven't missed any and to find ones that need changing or deleting.
19 votes -
turn trigger on or off for seasons vs just deleting
turn trigger on or off for seasons vs just deleting
7 votes -
Ordered Triggers for Last-Minute Bookings with Same Day Checkin
Property managers often encounter last-minute bookings where guests check in on the same day the booking is made. In such cases, there are typically two triggers:
1/ An instant trigger for the event of NEW_BOOKING,
2/ A time-based event trigger for BEFORESTAYSTARTS, which allows to fire after the check-in time.
However, when both events are scheduled for the same time, there is currently no hierarchy or guarantee on the order in which these triggers will fire. As a result, the BEFORESTAYSTARTS trigger might send a message before the NEW_BOOKING event, leading to confusion and operational inefficiencies.
23 votes -
Condition for security deposits paid for triggers
Condition for security deposits paid for triggers
3 votes -
Date and Time Format Options for International Users
As an international booking platform, we believe it is essential to provide the option to customise the date and time format. This would allow hosts in various countries to adopt the widely-used European system of a 24-hour clock and day-month-year format.
Implementing this feature would enhance clarity and professionalism in the automated messages sent to guests, ensuring the information aligns with their regional expectations and reducing potential misunderstandings.
4 votes -
Trigger for specific guest
After a hurricane comes through I start getting lots of messages from future guests asking if there was any damage or if their stay will be impacted at all.. being able to send a message out to all future guests whether it be guests next week or several months from now would be very helpful instead of trying to send individual messages out to each guest.
7 votes -
Add different times on triggers
I am requesting to have the ability to have the automated message "1 day before check in" to be sent earlier in the day. to have the option of different times
12 votes -
2 votes
Negative value on trigger
Ability to select a complex condition that sends the trigger only if it is not a same-day booking, or to be able to select 'before stay start' in * hours and up to * hours, with the 'up to' value being negative.
2 votes -
Add function to duplicate triggers & templates
It would be nice if we could duplicate triggers & templates then modify the duplicate ones.
Less clickings and save more time.74 votes -
I want to be able to send my guests a receipt and have it show the discount they received on it.
Right now the template that i can use to give a receipt using the statement variable does not have a line showing the discount. I want it to look like a legitimate statement/receipt.
3 votes -
Make all variables used in system templates available for use in custom templates
Certain variables, such as [$TRANSACTIONAMOUNT$], [$TRANSACTIONID$],[$GUESTINFOURL$]- which leads to the pre-arrival form, and others are only functional in system templates. I'd like to be able to insert them into custom templates so that I can have more control over formatting, colors, branding, and when these messages are triggered.
2 votes -
Use the full spelling of the month and day of the week on templates.
The month and day of the week are abbreviated on templates. Messages will appear less informal with the full spelling.
5 votes -
2 votes
Allow everyday trigger under certain condition
I d like my balance template triggered everyday until full payment is complete.
2 votes -
Repeat guests get different automated message
Repeat guests get different automated message
3 votes -
Improve booking updated trigger condition
While you can support sending notifications once a booking is updated, you are currently sending notifications to cleaners, guests, and owners for all changes made to the booking, including when payments are received which is not necessary. We need to notify the guests, owner, and cleaners when the booking has been modified such as when extending the booking or increasing the number of guests, but not when adding notes, or simply receiving payments.
6 votes -
The trigger event: Booking Inquiry, should only trigger when there's an inquiry.
Currently, if a direct booking booking setting is set to Booking Request or Instant Book, if there's a Custom Template and Trigger to go out as an Auto Response for the event, Booking Inquiry, that trigger goes out as soon as a guest clicks Book Now. That does not seem logical if a guest is actually booking, and not just sending an inquiry. This can cause confusion to the guest about why they are getting an auto response to an inquiry, when they are not actually sending an inquiry, but they are in the first steps of actually booking. Then,…
9 votes -
When booking changes houses. Notify both owners of the change
When a guest changes houses within their reservation the original owner should be notified of the cancellation and the the new owner should be notified of the booking.
2 votes
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