37 results found
Allow discount code creation via API
I would like to create a form that guests fill out at checkout, indicating that they completed basic checkout tasks in exchange for a discount code for a future stay. I have someone ready to build the application, we just need access to create a discount code via API.
5 votes -
Support query (GET) /properties by multiple locations
Support query properties by multiple locations.
GET /properties?agencyUid=...&location=Yorkshire,Dales,London,Manchester&limit=100
GET /properties?agencyUid=...&location=Yorkshire Dales&location=London&location=Manchester&limit=100
2 votes -
Select Lead Source for Manual Bookings
It would be great to select a lead source when manually entering a booking rather than it just saying it is from Hostfully. For example, a booking from a lead from FurnishedFinder and a booking from a lead from word of mouth both show up as "Hostfully" booking, whereas we would like to differentiate the groups to know specifically where our bookings are coming from.
4 votes -
weekly discounts for Pricelab / Hostfully users
I would love to have Weekly / Monthly discounts API between pricelabs and hostfully
2 votes -
v3 API - /orders to expose actual discount amount
can we get the actual discount amount? that's what all other PMS do and its easier to use rather than doing calculations (for the user as well)
4 votes -
API for checking/updating property check-in instructions
As far as I can tell, there is no way to programmatically set/validate/update the property specific check-in instructions. We would love to automate this process.
1 vote -
Ability to add new owner via API
That'd allow smooth workflow without going back to UI
2 votes -
Support updating the rental conditions per property via the API
It is noted in the v1.5->3 upgrade guide that v3's agencies endpoint supports a "rentalConditions" field, but no other APIs seem to exist for updating the per-property rental conditions. It would be great to automate these to ensure they are accurate and make changing all properties a lot easier
1 vote -
Support parameterized variables for GraphQL API
Support parameterized variables for GraphQL API
1 vote -
Bulk update amenities via API
Bulk update amenities via API. Otherwise 5 amenities would require 5 separate calls and that's bad to scale.
1 vote -
API for assigning services to property
API for connecting for services and property, similar to /api/v3/property-ownership but for service assignment
1 vote -
Filter leads response by source / status / creation date
We are using leads to generate statistics & charts. We only need leads generated through ORBIRENTALWIDGET and ORBIRENTALFORM source.
Without requested filters, we are going through each of the leads, and using the targeted sources. Here, we are spending our api request quota.
It would be great if you could consider following changes in future updates.
1. Filter leads by sources.
2. Filter leads by statuses.
3. Filter leads by date created before / after.
4. Allowing lead sorting by creation date.15 votes -
Ability to import empty icalendars
I want to able to import calendars into your system via Ical even the calendar was empty.
2 votes -
Improve flow for receiving NEW_INBOX_MESSAGE webhook and finding the corresponding message thread and which guest it came from.
Please improve the flow for receiving NEWINBOXMESSAGE webhook and finding the corresponding message thread and which guest it came from.
Currently, the only way for me to do this is (every single time I receive a webhook): receive the webhook, get the threaduid and agencyuid, pull ALL of the leads for that agency, then for EACH lead call the GET messages endpoint to get the message and check to see if the thread_uid matches to find the thread with the uid matching what was in the webhook. This is highly inefficient, both for my program and…
2 votes -
Stripe webhooks for cases when guests close browsers too early and payment failed to be recorded
a guest has gone in to book online the payment has been taken and processed through stripe but the booking has not gone through. Dates are not blocked and neither them nor us have recived any confirmation. This is becoming a bit of a worry as it's 3 guests now. They have all said the browser was open for ages after as they were waiting for confirmation.
3 votes -
To have event PINCODEUPDATED for webhook, at the moment, there are only PINCODECREATED
Ability to update <StandardPhrases> for Security deposit for Booking.com
At the moment, users are having issue that no matter they changes the security deposit settings on Property main settings, the SD settings on Bookung.com always shows like below:
Damage policy options.
You require a damage deposit from guests:
- Your guests pay a damage deposit by Credit Card
- You collect this from your guests: Up to 14 days before arrivalwhile users select the option to return security deposit 7 days in account settings.
Upon checking with T2, it's because we use the default value once there is a SD defined on property, That is a limitation now.…
4 votes -
Management of room inventory
Give the ability to manually put a guest into the system and then assign them to a specific unit to optimize occupancy.
3 votes -
Integration with Seam.co
Seam.co released a thermostat API to integrate brands like Ecobee, Nest, Honeywell...etc. They also integrate with other PMSs using their API to sync reservations with smart locks. A Hostfully - Seam.co integration would allow wifi-enabled thermostats to set temperatures based on guest check-in and check-out times, thus saving a lot in utility costs.
1 vote -
Share Secure Links to Akia
I need to share the guidebook's secure link to the guests in Akia.
Sharing the public one does not share all the necessary info.1 vote
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