Direct Booking Widget Adds Security Deposit to total scaring guests away at the top
We have a widget for our website so guests can put in their dates and can automatically book or get a quote. Once you put in your dates the widget calculates the total and it will say "$850 total for 4 nights" for instance. This total includes the security deposit which skus what the guest believes the nightly rate costs and other fees. I think ti would be helpful to either have the break down open up instead of just to the total. OR say the total and say + security deposit. For example "$350 total for 4 nights plus refundable $500 security deposit.
The booking widget does not add the security deposit to the total shown at top. It does show the total minus the security deposit.
Tam Liggett commented
I think people are scared away because the total does not give them a breakdown showing them the nightly rate so they don't know what the total represents. Please show the nightly rate.
AdminTed Nguyen (Admin, Hostfully) commented
Hi Rebecca! Thanks so much for bringing this to our attention. We've received your feedback and will consider adjusting the Booking Widget next time we work on it.
At the moment, after the guests click on "Book Now", they will be directed to the payment page where they will see the order break-down. But your idea makes sense!