Damage Deposit
Make Damage/Security Deposits able to be 'PreAuthorized' and not a charge. This scares some Guests off.
And make the timing of the PreAuthorization able to be set as to when this is taken.

Frederick . commented
To avoid charges through stripe by wiring a deposit that will be reimbursed, this would be an amazing feature to avoid and streamline the processes.
Saar Amit- Fox commented
This function is critical, ideally, I would charge a guest 2 days before check- in and reimburse the guests 2 days after checkout. a hold, doesn't have processing fees which saves us money while a charge wastes money.
AdminAlice (Sr Product Mgr, Hostfully) commented
This is available with the setting "additional charge option" - see https://help.hostfully.com/en/articles/3032124-use-the-additional-charge-option
Lee-Ann Unknown commented
Had we known this wasn't an option Hostfully allows, we wouldn't have signed up. This feature is extremely important and needs to be available.