Allow public response to reviews on direct website
In order to help clarify negative reviews, it would be good to be able to make a public reply.

April Mai (work email) commented
As a PM, I would like to be able to respond to reviews from direct booking site and other channels within Hostfully. Currently, only Airbnb reviews can be responded to.
Chuma Jerome commented
nicole commented
Yes I would also like to be able to reply to reviews on the direct booking site. It's a pretty common feature.
Thanks Jon, I've updated the ticket. For now, you have the option to delete or edit reviews on your direct website through Hostfully. We'll keep this idea open to see if others would like this feature as well.
Jon commented
Hi Eric,
Yes, I am referring to the direct booking site.
Just as AirBnB allows us to publicly reply to guest comments to clarify an issue or review.
Thank you.
Jon -
Hi Jon, are you talking about the direct booking site specifically?