Make Owner's Payout-Per-Booking in calendar view available in Owner's Portal
Currently, when my clients view the booking calendar for their short-term rental, there is no option for them to see the owner payout per booking by hovering or clicking on the reservation. This information is crucial for my clients as they want to see what they are making on each booking/weekend, etc.
I would like to propose adding a toggle option for the price per booking view in the Owners Dashboard Calendar. This option could be located in the "Owner" tab / settings area, similar to the existing "Show guest information to owners" checkbox. Additionally, it would be helpful if this feature reflected the total host payout minus the agency commission so that the owners know exactly what they are getting.
Having this feature available would greatly benefit myself and other users in the Hostfully community, as well as improve the overall experience for our clients. Thank you for your consideration.
This feature is now live.
Deana Steele commented
+1 on this as owners are more interested in the revenue data vs guest contact details that currently populate