Add function to duplicate triggers & templates
It would be nice if we could duplicate triggers & templates then modify the duplicate ones.
Less clickings and save more time.
Candice Menard commented
Love this idea!!!!
Keith commented
In addition, if we could use variables int he subject lines that would reduce the number of templates we have.. many have the same content but we need more identifiable headlines like: "your stay at <<property_name>>"
Jenn Eddy commented
YES! Especially when you are creating variations for email vs channel messages this would be a time saver!
As you look for ways to enhance your platform, a suggestion - - - allow a trigger to be cloned but opt for a different method (email vs. text). We are sending codes for check in and want to do so via email and text but I literally have to create new triggers for each listing (over 60 of them) to have the same trigger that was sent as an email as a text. Pretty time consuming and tedious.