Create gap-day trigger 48 hrs before booking starts/ends, allowing guest to add days
If there are dates available to extend the stay (either before or after the dates that the guest initially chose), create the possibility to notify the guest at the last minute, so that they can easily extend their stay if there are available dates before the next guest's booking starts.
Amanda Maldonado commented
I cannot believe this is not a feature. This is basic and I assumed was a part of any functioning PMS ...even Guesty For Hosts has this.
Gene Tilby commented
This is a feature available on Hospitable and would love to be able to use it here. We need the ability to add a condition to a complex trigger that will check the calendar to see if there are vacant days before or after a guest booking. I'd like to send a message offering to add a discounted day to their reservation before or after their stay but don't want to send the message if the day isn't available.
Truyen Nguyen commented
Airbnb's calendar feature as an example
Truyen Nguyen commented
Identify impacted availability due to gap nights affected by minimum night rule and make these dates automatically available
nuwavepandi commented
I would like to see gap night messaging triggers like some other PMS have. This will significantly help increase revenue and eliminate gap nights or orphan days.
For example, if a guest books and it creates an orphan day or gap night in between 2 bookings, the system will automatically pick up and trigger a templated message offering for the guest before/after to add that additional night (or two, depending on your customizable threshold) and invite them to add it on so we can maximize occupancy and REVPAR.
Gideon commented
Absolutely! this can generate a lot of revenue for me and is a real gamechanger in managing gap days.
Deana Steele commented
+1 on this. Very important sales tool I need to implement like yesterday
Eric Lewis commented
+1! - Any traction on this one?
Donatas Viskontas commented
This one would be an amazing extra source of income !! We now doing it all manually