Separate Inbox thread per booking for guests with multiple bookings
At the moment, Hostfully Inbox doesn't separate the guest thread per booking: it remains a continuous history of messages between guest and agency no matter how many bookings the guest has with your properties.
I want only corresponding messages associated with a booking to show up when selecting a booking on the right "booking selector" of Inbox.
Sean abqhomebuy commented
This has caused too many issues with cleaners going into wrong units and guests going to wrong units for us. It is the one thing that has me considering switching from hostfully.
Katie Jimenez commented
So many of our return guests are having troubles finding their check-in instructions because of this, which is resulting is more messages to us, more phone calls and overall frustration from our guests.
Jenn Watts commented
A guest reported us to Airbnb due a PRIVACY & SECURITY CONCERN relating to this defect. Hostfully sent the check-in information (including the gate code and door code) to an old Airbnb booking that included other guests ... guests that we not included in the current trip and who should not have access to the check-in instructions but now did. We had to change all of the access codes to ensure that the guest felt safe.
Repeat guests are very common and our automated messages are being sent to their previous bookings and now their newer bookings. It's also confusing to our staff that the reservations are rolled up under one and they have to remember to select the right reservation from the drop-down in the messaging area to communicate under the right reservation.
Can the messaging coding not include the confirmation # as the unique identifier, rather than just the guest name?
Philly D commented
This is becoming a HUGE problem. I always check that my guests have the correct entry instructions but a recent guest, who had booked with me before, was reading his recent Airbnb thread, which didn't have the instructions, and couldn't get in (at midnight!). My auto Hostfully check in instructions were sent by Hostfully to a different thread! I had an Airbnb Tech texting and calling me in the middle of the night! That's not fair Hostfully. Anyway, this is a real easy fix. Tell the programmers to base the messages on the Airbnb Confirmation Code (looks like HM8SMDRH4H) and NOT guest name. Please let us know this is a priority. If not, we'll have to migrate to a different platform.
Yehima - commented
It is super important, since the main role we have with the guests is communication and if this is sent in the wrong way, it will confuse the guests. I am more concerned when messages are sent automatically, because we have no control over that and they will always be sent wrongly.
- [n/a] commented
An Airbnb guest is associated with 2 Airbnb Inbox threads due to 2 different reservations from 2 listings. If I send a message to the guest from Hostfully, the message is currently sent to the past thread (which the host and guest may no longer be active on). Thus if the guest and I view the new Airbnb inbox thread, we won't see the message.
Jake Lagazo commented
We're having the same problem. The guest inquiry is for UNIT 1 yet our reply goes into the UNIT 2 Airbnb message thread. Please fix this. It is too confusing for us and our Airbnb Guests.
The guest inquired on two listings, and our messages were sent to an incorrect thread on Airbnb (invalid bookings), yet not sent to the correct thread of booked one.
It's said the inbox thread is defined between a host <> guest. I would like our messages sent to the correct thread on Airbnb. It's not practical to send out the messages to the thread whose listing is not even connected with Hostfully.