45 results found
Accurate booking value in owner portal calendar
In the portal, when you click on a reservation in the calendar, it does not show the full price paid to the property manager after commission charged by booking.com or the other OTA's.
Then in the owner portal calendar it shows the price of the reservation excluding the cleaning fee and commission from OTA's which makes the amount incorrect and not useful. In the owner portal is just shows the amount in the property managers calendar minus the property's managers commission however this is not accurate due to the commission charged by the platforms.
The calendar in the property managers…
43 votes -
Grant additional access to the owners
have been having lots of owners with concerns about the owners portal as it is very basic and not showing much to them. On our other plattform Lodgify, they could see much more like fees breakdown, messages from clients, the jobs created etc.
Is there a way where owners can see Jobs and more info other than what they see?
I have set them up in full permissions and it is still very empty which is causing owners to not like the way we are managing it etc. Transparency is very important to us.11 votes -
Ability to upload documents to Owner portal
I am looking for a way to upload documents to the owners portal. Documents that don't exist in Hostfully already. Each year we do a survey of the properties and give recommendations of things the owners improve, so that is an example of something we would like the ability to be able to drop in the owner portal.
8 votes -
Make owner stays distinct from owner blocks
Sometimes owners block properties for work to be done, but most often they are blocking the property for personal use. In those cases, we need to clean and turnover the property just like we would for a guest reservation. Also, the smart automations (for example, changing thermostat settings via Lynx, Operto, etc.) should treat an owner stay the same as a guest stay.
41 votes -
Upload Files
Create the ability to upload files related to the property for Agent/Owner review only. For example, Gas Certificates, PAT Testing Reports etc. The ability to upload these legal documents so they are all kept in one place and can be easily reviewed when needed and to ensure compliance. NOT for Guest Viewing...
1 vote -
Allow Owners to View Full Details of Guest Payments in the Owner Portal
Ability to open the breakdown of the order directly from the calendar to view all the details of what the guest paid.
3 votes -
A Hostfully App for owners
An app for the owners to login and see their portal. Also a much more in depth portal, showing reviews, any issues that come up at the property, analytics, etc
3 votes -
Hidde information to your owners
Ability to select which fields from the reservation you would like to hidde for example: phone, email
example: think about that you are haddling a reservation from schratch and in between since the owner has his telephone number he calls the guest to ask if we did our job well or even to pass him through to another property of his that we are not managing.....can you imagine what can cause this to us?
2 votes -
Alert when existing email is updated automatically
When there's an existing role (owner / guest / service provider) and they accidentally or not try to create a new PM account, the system should not change an existing role's email automatically (+xxx), or at least should notify the role / associating PM about such change.
1 voteThis will be changed shortly and emails will no longer be updated.
Owner access to inbox only for their properties
I have some owners who would like access to view the inbox from multiple channels on one platform. Can there be a user permission added for them to View messages as well as an option for them to send messages that way they could only be given permission to send messages if allowed
3 votes -
Have ability to remove owners
I want to be able to remove an owners which are no longer working with from the list.
13 votes -
Better Owner Calendar View
The calendar on the owner portal should look similar to the PM calendar does. I would like them to be able to see the bookings exact dates, not necessarily names of the person, but the blocks. Their calendar view is very basic and only shows availability instead of full individual blocked dates.
3 votes -
Handle replys to owner portal emails in some way
Problem: One of the tabs on the owners portal is "Inbox", where owners can send messages to us. When we respond to a message via email – so the owner gets a notification of the new response – the owner has no ability to respond from the email and has to be trained that replys to the email are ignored by hostfully and go nowhere. No error message, no warning, just looks like we're ignoring them.
My idea is to do one of the following:
Add text to the sent email that replys need to be sent via the inbox,…
1 vote -
Ability to customize the login page
This feature would be incredibly useful for our team because it makes it sound more inviting for the owner. It creates a nice Welcome gesture instead of Please Sign In.
2 votes -
Owner CRM
I want to track rentals based on owners, also a property CRM could work. Where I can see rows of each rental and have constant contact with the owners. If a property has not had a rent in over 3 months, send an automated mail to maintain our contact going. Also track other things, like a column of last price update to have in mind what is missing for each owner and maintain that.
1 vote -
Removing owner statement automatically if the PM removed report on HFL
When I deleted the report on HFL
On owner portal the report still there, however, when the owner click on it > it shows the error page which can cause the confusion for owners.=> I want when 1 report was deleted on my side, it should be removed automatically on owner side.
3 votes -
Massively delete owners data
I'm looking for a way to completely remove the owners from the system. No name, info, etc
5 votes -
Analytics Dashboard in the Owner Portal
I would like to include an analytics dashboard in the owner portal so owners can have a clear view of their analytics.
20 votes -
6 votes
Owner permissions - option to show booking order details and total amount same as Agency calendar.
The idea is for our owners to see the entire amount the guest pays, including the cost of cleaning.
We, as an agency, pay local taxes on the entire amount paid by the guest, i.e. the amount of stay and cleaning combined. If the owner sees a different amount, our settlements with him cannot be consistent and correct in any way. We would like him to see the total amount paid by the guest - for the stay and cleaning together
6 votes
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