Managers need the ability to update Owner information.
Right now I was told if we want to update owner information I either have to have the owner do it themselves or I have to delete the owner and re-add them. We should be able to update this information as we see fit. Thanks!
Deana Steele commented
This has not been resolved and seems very simple. I need more control over the inputs.
It would be nice to have more inputs like owner address as well
Jared Dawson commented
What you are saying make sense on your end but doesn't on the host side of things. With every platform I've ever used if I call someone that person could update my information if need be. I agree that Owners need ownership. But the best part of all of our businesses is to help minimize how much work our Owners have to do. They can still have ownership but also have the help they need if they run into problems.
Host should also have the ability to delete Owner accounts that they don't need or completely delete an account they made a mistake on and recreate a new one. I don't know all the ins and outs on your side but we as Host need more flexibility when trying to create an experience for our Owners.
Scott Tracy commented
Thank you for your reply to this issue but your "solution" is not feasible. This self imposed limitation for agency/admin permissions just doesn't make sense and your suggested workaround disables an Owner from being able to sign in to do their own updates as well, if that's what they want to do.
That's great that you're providing Owners with "ownership" of their profile information but limiting an agency from making any sort of updates to an Owner's profile simply still does not make any sense. An agency is hired by an Owner to help them manage these sort of details for the Owners and their properties.
Please change the status back on this issue as it is not "functionality that exists."
Scott Tracy commented
If an Owner has hired an agency to manage their property, these sort of details should not be limited for only the Owner to manage.... What happens when an Owner calls their agency and asks them to update their phone number or the misspelling of their name? Not a great Owner experience if the agency has to push back and say they cannot help them with this!
Mishka commented
In our old platform we do use email address as the Owner's login which is fine ... but if the owner changes their email address it would be nice to have the option that the login email is not their EMAIL - or their login is registered differently. There is also not a field for Business Name - some of our owners have an LLC and we need that listed somewhere. Many of our owners are married so having a space to label two phone numbers (Hannah's phone ... Mark's phone) would be very helpful. We also need a space for their Tax ID #, since we utilize that information on their 1099's I believe (I don't handle the financials but I know my team mentioned that they really would love to have that function).
It would also be nice if the owner fields would populate in a new property when you have an owner with multiple properties so you don't have to enter their information all over again.
Hi Jon,
What type of information are you trying to edit regularly? We cannot allow you to edit the email as each email is tied to a specific account and a new account would need to be created.
Eric -
Jon commented
Hi Eric,
Once you enter an owner and then save it, you cannot go back in and edit the owner info (name, business name, email address, or telephone # without canceling the current owner and entering everything back in again.
We should be able to just edit any or all of this info as needed and then save it.
Thank you.
Jon -
Hi Sarah and Jon, can you help me better understand what information you are not able to edit for the owner? Knowing the specific fields you are not able to edit would help me troubleshoot this for us. Example are even better :)
Thank you,
Eric -
Jon commented
Yes, this is very annoying.