Import Airbnb co-host messages to Inbox
As PM with no access to the main host account but only the co-host account to send messages from the Airbnb app, I'd like these messages to show up in Hostfully Inbox as well
It occurs that many PMs don't have access to the main host account (it belongs to the owner for example). So they communicate and manage reservations as a co-host.
If Hostfully Inbox doesn't import co-host's messages, I'll need to go back and forth between Hostfully Inbox and Airbnb messages which is time-consuming.
Andres Ospina commented
It is crucial that conversations from Airbnb are reflected in Hostfully, so we can follow the thread of discussions happening on Airbnb and view them in Hostfully
Michel commented
I agree with Rahim Tejani. I come from Hostify, and I have this option now it's challenging to manage like this
Rahim Tejani commented
Are their any updates on whether or not this will happen? I've joined only 2 days ago and find this a deal breaker. I did specifically ask before I joined whether there was this function where Co Hosts messages can be seen on Hostfully messaging and was told it was. Extremely disappointed
Patrick Carter commented
Yes trying to follow along in a conversation with gaps because I can't see what my cohost has said is painful.
Or host and cohost will be sending dup messages because host is thinking no one has responded when cohost already has.
no_last_name commented
This feature is a must-have. It's crazy to think people have been requesting this bare-minimum feature since October 17, 2022 01:57 and it has yet to be implemented on Feruary 27, 2024, almost 1.5 years later.
Ahmed “Alton” Tacubanza commented
Please update if possible on this. We're looking to message from Co-Host accounts instead of owner's accounts.
first_name_unknown last_name_unknown commented
Hospitable allowed us to manage who the messages came from, so it is possible I never tought this was going to be a problem. This is a must for us
Heather Gagon commented
This was almost a deal breaker to us. It’s imperative that this feature be Available. Owners DO NOT want their name associated with guests. This is why we are here. This is a basic, bare minimum feature that should be implemented asap.
Emily Egge commented
IN addition - messages that I send from Hostfully inbox need to appear as coming from me, and NOT from any other cohost. Otherwise, they get a message that looks like its coming from one person, but signed by another. As the Primary host, guests expect messages to come from me. And my clients are hiring me to keep them out of it - if messages are coming from them, they are getting sucked into communication they don't want. It's super unprofessional looking to guests!
Hospitable allowed me to manage who the messages came from, so it is possible. This is a must for me - I may need to stop the onboarding to change to another PMS if it can't be remedied shortly. -
Dean Dutro commented
It's super weird to guests when we send automated messages from the Owner's account but reply and respond from the Cohost name.
Eric Lewis commented
Upvoted. This is a must for me!
Keith commented
I recall sometime in the past there was a way to do this.
I can't remember if it was set up through the channel manager or templates.. but i vaguely recall in the airbnb channel when you connected you could specify communications from host or from property manager, this was for co-hosted listings only.I can't find it now, so it must have disappeared.
James Boyers commented
The platform sedning from the MAIN host rather than the PRIMARY host is confusing for guests. We often have clients who have existing airbnb accounts so we would rather messages guests from our own accounts rather than pretend to be our clients