Make owner stays distinct from owner blocks
Sometimes owners block properties for work to be done, but most often they are blocking the property for personal use. In those cases, we need to clean and turnover the property just like we would for a guest reservation. Also, the smart automations (for example, changing thermostat settings via Lynx, Operto, etc.) should treat an owner stay the same as a guest stay.

Krystina hamheritageproperties commented
YES! This is critical. This should be an easy add where if an owner blocks the property they can choose "personal stay" and the calendar color for their block is different, but they also need heat turned up and the block to be pulled on a report so that the property is cleaned after their stay.
Keith commented
+1 on this idea.
Also, many of our owners prefer not to pay for additional cleaning, so we just clean after they stay and they arrive at a dirty house. not my choice but saves them money, would be nice to distinguish between the two for scheduling .
also we occasionally provide promos for guests we don't need to do for owners.
Ashley Thomas commented
Customer would like an option within the Owner Portal for owner's to 'Request a Stay' at their property rather than just booking or blocking the calendar on their own without approval of PM.