1769 results found
Show all Stripe transaction, including Incomplete ones to match with Stripe
We'd love to have all Stripe transaction shown on Transaction tab on Hostfully, including "Incomplete" ones to match with Stripe so we can easily track all the transactions.
1 vote -
Add support for VUV currency
I want to have VUV currency support in PMP
1 vote -
Enhanced reports schedule range
When I want to schedule an enhanced report to be sent for instance to our concierge so she can handle the check-in, the range options are fixed like : last week, last month, last quarter, last year and this week, this month, this quarter, this year... however, if it's end of July and I set for this month, she won't see arrivals of the next week. It would be more relevant to have ranges in the future like: next week, next 30 days, next 90 days.
3 votes -
Have option to show taxes in one line for Airbnb lead
As a VRM, I want to see the tax in one line, similar to Airbnb host payout record "Property use taxes" instead many tax lines so It can be cleaner in view.
2 votes -
1 vote
Add option to create custom formula for Booking value in Permission to show on Owner portal
I would ideally like to be able to create a custom formula for what figure should display on owner portal.
1 vote -
Discount code conditions
I would love a condition related to number of nights & nightly rates (less than, equal to, greater than).
5 votes -
An owner wants his listing to be on a firm cancelation rate during holiday periods.
the client feels the holidays periods are where they can make the most money. they want to restrict guests from booking and then changing there minds. However they want to be flexible during the other periods so therefore want a cancelation to be strict during holiday busy times and flexible during all other timers.
2 votes -
1 vote
eliminate from receipt "deposit" payment total "deposit" due after "pay today"
It is unnecessary and confusing. Pay today - states the total amount due and then the credit card collection section should follow. Instead - followed by "pay today" is "deposit payment and deposit due" - stating the same amount as pay today unnecessarily and confusing the guest because it states that it is a "deposit" making them think that they get this money back. PLEASE delete this "deposit" unnecessary section. Thank you!
1 vote -
Preview feature in Message log for failed triggers
Sometimes triggers are failed to send due to missing factors or bugs or something else.
In most of the cases, we can re-fire the trigger and guest can receive the message they need asap, like checkin instruction or pin-code message.
However, in some cases, it takes a little bit longer to solve the issue due to bugs. Thus, it would be much more convenient if we can have "preview message" in Message log and copy the text and send it from our personal email for urgent cases.
I understand we can copy custom templates and change all variables but it's…
2 votes -
PMP support for multiple languages
My default language is English but I would like to change to Spanish! be able to modify PMP language
8 votesThis request is under development.
18 votes
Have option to run owner report for all owners/ all properties
As a VRM, I want to run an owner report for all properties into one report (not separate owners as of now) for myself and accountant use.
7 votes -
1 vote
4 votes
Grey out existing reservations on calendar when adding a booking
When clicking on the plus sign to add a new reservation, a calendar pulls up and all of the dates are black so you don't know which dates are already taken by an existing reservation. Please grey out dates that already have an existing reservation so a new reservation isn't erroneously added.
1 vote -
Have pincode automatically generated for $0 booking value
As a VRM, I want to have pincode auto generated for booking with 0 value.
At the moment, pincode is not generated when I created booking manually in the system, value = 0.
0 votes -
4 votes
2 votes
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